Travel Pass | Codechef September long challenge 2021 | Travel Pass Solution

C odechef September long challenge 2021 | Travel Pass Solution Scorable Problems for Division 3 Name Code Successful Submissions Accuracy Airline Restrictions AIRLINE Travel Pass TRAVELPS Shuffling Parities SHUFFLIN XOR Equal PALINT Minimize Digit Sum MNDIGSUM 2-D Point Meeting POINTMEE Covaxin vs Covishield COVAXIN Treasure Hunt TREHUNT Minimum Digit Sum 2 MNDIGSM2 2 Problem. Travel Pass Problem Code: TRAVELPS Submit Read problem statements in Bengali , Mandarin Chinese , Russian , and Vietnamese as well. Chef is going on a road trip and needs to apply for inter-district and inter-state travel e-passes. It takes A A minutes to fill each inter-district e-pass application and B B minutes for each i...