Bhutan : The Happiest Place On Earth. BY RAGHU GARIKIPATI FEBRUARY 2 , 2021 11:00 AM EST What country do you think is the happiest in the world? Well, after hearing from many traveler friends that it might be this small country... I had to go see it for myself. I am personally on a mission to understand the basic parameters of joy and happiness so going on a trip like this was a dream come true... Where should we travel to next? Thank you to Bhutan peaceful tours. Who are we? We believe th at life can be as fulfilling as you wish, so long as you're willing to seek discomfort. And we write blogs about it. And now time to board the flight imagine a country tucked away from the rest of the world hidden in the Himalayas left to its own devices to develop an unique and incredible ways have made sense for not only its own culture but also for its entire ecosystem some people claim that this country is the happiest i...
C odechef September long challenge 2021 | Airline Restrictions Solution Scorable Problems for Division 3 Name Code Successful Submissions Accuracy Airline Restrictions AIRLINE Travel Pass TRAVELPS Shuffling Parities SHUFFLIN XOR Equal PALINT Minimize Digit Sum MNDIGSUM 2-D Point Meeting POINTMEE Covaxin vs Covishield COVAXIN Treasure Hunt TREHUNT Minimum Digit Sum 2 MNDIGSM2 1 Problem. C odechef September long challenge 2021 | Airline Restrictions Solution Post published: September 4, 2021 Post category: Coding Post comments: 0 Comments Chef has 3 3 bags that she wants to take on a flight. They weigh A A , B B , and C C kgs respectively. She wants to check-in exactly two of these bags and carry the remaining one bag with her. The airline restrictions says that the total sum of the weights of t...
The Old Saint And Three Questions Problem Code: THREEQ Once upon a time, there was a hero and an old saint. And like in any story with a hero and an old saint, the old saint asked the hero — three questions! But here's the twist: each question was a binary question, which means that the answer to each must be either a 'Yes' or a 'No', not none, not both. Our hero, who was not so wise in the ways of science, answered them arbitrarily and just hoped he is correct. The old saint, being so old, does not remember which answers were correct. The only thing that he remembers is - how many of them were 'Yes', and how many of them were 'No'. Our hero will pass the test if the old saint cannot distinguish his responses from the set of correct answers i.e. if the number of 'Yes' and 'No' in the responses matches that in the correct answers, regardless of their order. You are given the answers to each of the three questions, and the responses o...
September Challenge 2021 (Rated for Div 3) Scorable Problems for Division 3 Name Code Successful Submissions Accuracy Airline Restrictions AIRLINE Travel Pass TRAVELPS Shuffling Parities SHUFFLIN XOR Equal PALINT Minimize Digit Sum MNDIGSUM 2-D Point Meeting POINTMEE Covaxin vs Covishield COVAXIN Treasure Hunt TREHUNT Minimum Digit Sum 2 MNDIGSM2 Codechef September long challenge 2021 | Minimize Digit Sum Solution Post published: September 4, 2021 Post category: Coding Post comments: 0 Comments Let f ( n , B ) f(n,B) be the sum of digits of the integer n n when written in base B B . Given Q Q queries, each consisting of three integers n , l n,l and r r . Find the value of B B corresponding to which...
There are so many top YouTube channels which are associated with different companies that produce news, entertainment, music & other types of content; here we’re showcasing top ten individual YouTuber personalities who have maximum subscribers base in the world. 1.) PewDiePie Subs – 110 million Category – Video games Felix Kjellberg started his YouTube career from his college room, then dropped out and sold hotdogs for a living. Now, he is the most subscribed Youtuber in the world. His YouTube channel beat Vevo-branded Youtube channels of music superstars. All this started with his love of games, but his hilarious comedy made him stand out amongst all the gamer YouTubers. Felix Kjellberg made headlines in 2014 when he publically announced his 7 million annual YouTube revenue. 2.) HolaSoyGerman Subs – 4 2.70 million Category – Vlogs Ranked second most subscribed Youtuber in the world, he also won the “Icon of the Year” prize from MTV Millen...
The earnings figures given with each blogger are best-available estimates of annual earnings from Owler, given in U.S. dollars. Top 10 highest-earning bloggers HuffPost : $500 million per year Engadget : $47.5 million per year Moz : $44.9 million per year PerezHilton : $41.3 million per year Copyblogger : $33.1 million per year Mashable : $30 million per year TechCrunch : $22.5 million per year Envato Tuts+ : $10 million per year Smashing Magazine : $5.2 million per year Gizmodo : $4.8 million per year 1. HuffPost (founded by Arianna Huffington): $143.1 million Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post ( rebranded to HuffPost in 2017 ), built her business up from a current affairs commentary blog to a full-blown media empire between 2005 and 2011, when The Huffington Post was acquired by AOL for $315 million. Huffington stayed on as Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post until 2016, when she moved on to her curre...
Why the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Is Such a Big Deal for Elon Musk BY Raghu garikipati july 3, 2021 2:08 pM EST N o one makes news like Elon Musk makes news. That’s what happens when you’re the founder of a rocket company, a co-founder of an electric car and solar panel company, a co-founder of PayPal and, not for nothing, have an actual movie superhero—Iron Man—based partly on you. So when Elon Musk says he’s going to launch the most powerful rocket in the world from the very same launch pad that sent the Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon, he’s going to get a little attention. That’s exactly the big event Musk is touting Tuesday. The rocket he’s preparing to launch is SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, long delayed but finally ready for liftoff. It’s currently sitting on Cape Canaveral’s historic Pad 39A, with its first launch window opening at 1:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Feb. 6, and closing at 4 p.m. When launched, Falcon Heavy will carry a cherry red Tesla...
Maximise the Subsequence Sum Problem Code: SIGNFLIP Solution In C++ #include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<cstring> using namespace std; #define FastIO ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); #define Mod 1000000007 #define ll long long #define vi vector<ll> #define pb push_back #define F first #define S second #define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end() #define pii pair<ll,ll> #define vii vector<pii> #define calc_fact(n) tgamma(n+1) #define inf LONG_LONG_MAX #define mod 3e5 #define ar array #define mp make_pair; ll power(ll x, ll y) { ll res = 1; while (y) { if (y % 2 == 1) res = (res * x); y = y >> 1; x = (x * x); } return res; } int digitCount(ll n) { int count = 0; while(n) ...
10 things you need to know about SpaceX 1. Who is Elon Musk and why is he building rockets? 2. What Has SpaceX Done That Other Companies Haven’t? 3. Are SpaceX Rockets Special? 4. How Close Is SpaceX To Flying A Crew? 5. Where is SpaceX’s Mission Control? 6. What Is The Dragon Spacecraft Like? 7. Is SpaceX Profitable? 8. Why Are Rockets Still So Failure Prone Despite Decades of Production? 9. Who Are Musk’s Main Competitors? 10.What Are Musk’s Ultimate Goals? Intro :: SpaceX has been putting winds on the board ever since the company founded by serial entrepreneur E lon Musk became the first privately funded group to put a payload in earth orbit in 2008 since then the company has continued to impress launching unmanned cargo vehicles to the international space station is and winning a contract from Nasa to fly astronauts as well as early as 2017. there have been setbacks most disastrously last June when a cargo rocket bound for the ISS exploded on route costing the crew much needed s...
September Challenge 2021 (Rated for Div 3) Scorable Problems for Division 3 Name Code Successful Submissions Accuracy Airline Restrictions AIRLINE Travel Pass TRAVELPS Shuffling Parities SHUFFLIN XOR Equal PALINT Minimize Digit Sum MNDIGSUM 2-D Point Meeting POINTMEE Covaxin vs Covishield COVAXIN Treasure Hunt TREHUNT Minimum Digit Sum 2 MNDIGSM2 2-D Point Meeting Solution |Codechef September long challenge 2021 Post published: September 4, 2021 Post category: Coding Post comments: 0 Comments You are given N N distinct points in a 2 2 -D plane, numbered 1 1 through N N . The X-coordinate of the points are X 1 , X 2 , … , X N X1,X2,…,XN respectively and the Y-coordinates are Y 1 , Y 2 , … , Y N Y1,Y2,…,YN respectively. Your goal is to make the location of a...
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